I feel fear and anxiety!

Anxiety is normal and common during these difficult circumstances (COVID-19). If people were not anxious, they would not abide by the safety measures issued by the state. We understand that you are feeling anxious at this moment. Anxiety is an important emotion in life. Fear is only a reaction during any difficult time or circumstance, such as the current outbreak. It is the fear of a person protecting themselves and their loved ones. This page consists of information you need to become less fearful and anxious.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a condition characterized by feelings of stress. People who suffer from anxiety usually experience persistent negative thoughts or fears, and they may avoid certain situations out of concern. This may lead to physical symptoms such as sweating, tremors, dizziness, palpitations, and increased blood pressure.

Read more about anxiety

                   Why do I feel anxious?

Anxiety can lead to physical reactions that signal to the brain to activate a state known as the “Fight or Flight Mode”. The body then reacts to trigger a flood of chemicals and hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol into your system.

Therefore, your mind is currently on survival mode.

              What are the forms of anxiety?

The short-term effect of anxiety includes increased pulse and breathing rate; so that your mind can get more oxygen. This prepares you to respond appropriately to the frightening or emergency situation. Your immune system may get a short boost and then your body returns to normal when pressure passes safely, but if you repeatedly feel anxious and stressed or the situation continues for a long time; your body will not receive the signal until it returns to normal functioning, as this may weaken your immune system. This makes you more vulnerable to viral infections and recurrent diseases.

What might worry you during these current times?

Myself, my health, my life and the current situation in which we live in.

You may be worried about the uncertainty regarding the nature of the virus, but this is something out of your control. Try to focus on the things that are in your control.

We are always worried about false information, news, and rumours. Try to reduce the amount of time you spend following up the news and ensure you obtain the news from trusted sources.

Incorrect information, news and rumours.

The nature of thoughts and the pattern of unhealthy thoughts.

You may be constantly experiencing irrational thoughts. You can learn more about your thinking style and how to deal with your thinking style in the link below.

Social distancing.

Social distancing may seem hard, but remember that it protects you and your loved ones from getting infected with the virus. Remind yourself that there are alternative ways which you can communicate with the one you love through social media. Try scrolling through the "I feel lonely" page for ideas on staying in touch.

Worrying about my family and their health.

Remind yourself about your social responsibility and that this is out of your control, and adopting a healthy lifestyle is all you can do - your anxiety can exhaust you and thus affect your energy to take care of your family,

My job, the economy and my basic needs.

Remind yourself of the current circumstances without trying to predict the future. Try to train yourself to be more mindful.

Will my life return to normal?

Everything is on the same boat and all you can do now is try to stay safe. We cannot predict what the future holds for us when life will go back to the way it was pre-covid-19.


My studies

Everything is on the same boat and all you can do now is try to stay safe. We cannot predict what the future holds for us when life will go back to the way it was pre-covid-19.


  How can I overcome anxiety?

Anxiety tree for dealing with anxious thoughts

Special thanks to Counsellor Sura Al Muscati

Oasis of Hope Counselling Center 

مع شكر أ.سرى المسقطي 

(مركز واحة الأمل)

Frequently reading about the virus, engaging in conversations, and constantly following numbers and statistics can affect your mental health, increase your anxiety, and its excessive persistence may affect your immune system.

Observe yourself and limit the amount of time you spend on social media talking about the pandemic.

You can reduce and deal with your anxiety by learning various techniques from the psychological first aid toolbox.

كيف أتبع الارشادات الصحية 

Try to stick to your normal routine the way that you were accustomed to before the pandemic. Meaning, try to wake up at the same usual time, sleep at the same time that you were used to, and prepare a schedule for the activities that you want to engage in during the day. Work on a specific routine that gives you comfort and a piece of mind, by scheduling a large part of your day, this makes you feel in control and helps you maintain your mental health without excess worry and fear. Here are some suggestions for activities you can engage in:

Exercise - read books - watch a movie - learn a skill - prepare a meal

Finish tasks you have postponed - rearrange your home - talk to your loved ones - join an online course

Applications that help you manage and arrange your tasks:

Cozi Family Organizer

Trello app


  Try practicing positive affirmations:


Affirmations are positive phrases that are repeated in order to reprogram the subconscious , and they are an important tool for controlling our internal conversation, and help change our thoughts that will change our behaviors and reactions. Examples of positive affirmations include:


  • Things are getting better and the crisis is almost over

  • Now I feel stronger and better

  • I am healthy and energetic.

  • I am protected and safe wherever I go

  • I have a healing power inside my body.

  • I allow wellness to flow into my body.

  • I deserve everything wonderful in this life.

Safety Affirmations
Positive affirmations

Do not forget to pay attention to physical health such as healthy food, sleep and physical exercise:


Your practice of physical exercise raises levels of happiness and reassurance, and reduces anxiety, perhaps at the present time obtaining a coach is not easy, and to avoid this problem, what do you think of visiting the page on sports to find out appropriate ways to follow at home.


Laughter has a magical effect in calming the nerves and relieving tension very comfortably. You can find good resources to help you laugh by either watching comedy shows or movies or even practicing laughter yoga.


      What is a panic attack?

A panic attack is a sudden attack of intense fear that leads to severe physical reactions when there is no real risk or direct cause of the attack.

Many people experience only one or two panic attacks in their lives, and the problem may disappear when the stressful situation ends, but if you have frequent and unexpected panic attacks and you spend long periods in constant fear of another attack, you may have a condition called panic disorder.

What are the signs of a panic attack?

What goes on in your mind during a panic attack?

  • I have a heart attack

  • I think I am dying

  • People think I'm crazy

  • I will lose consciousness

  • I can't stand this

  • I have to get out of here

  • Palpitations

  • Shortness of breath

  • Shivering

  • Feeling of tightness in your chest

  • Feeling like you're suffocating

  • Nausea or stomach upset

  • Tingling sensation in your palms

  • Vertigo

  • Changes in perceptions such as vision

  • Feeling cold or hot

  • Excessive sweating

  • Feeling that things are unrealistic or unfamiliar

  • Fear of death or fear of losing control

What does a panic attack look like?

3 Tips on how to help calm yourself when a panic attack happens

Positive coping terms:

A person in a panic attack replaces thoughts in their mind with positive acclimatization statements where they can help change or disrupt the pattern of disturbing thoughts by replacing them with quieter phrases such as:

  • I don't like feeling this way, but I can accept that.

  • I can feel this and I'm still fine.

  • This happened before, and I was fine, I will be fine this time too.

  • I can cope with these symptoms or sensations.

  • I am safe.

  • I'm fine

  • This will pass

Mindfulness and relaxation

Distracting yourself by thinking about positive thoughts:


Like a loved one, favorite pet, or favorite leisure activity. It may be helpful to think of something that makes you laugh or imagining a calming scene. You can try to think of a funny joke or imagine a beautiful sunset.

For reassurance... tell us your story

As human beings, we experience difficult situations that can destabilize us and makes us find it difficult to adapt to new challenges. The factor that helps us overcome this emotion is our belief that these situations do not last forever and will eventually depart and the hope that your affairs will be resolved. The moment you realize that you are not alone in this situation and that there are other people who have gone through worse situations compared to yours. You, therefore, develop an alternative perspective of your difficulty and feel better about yourself, believing that you can make it through the emotional storm. 

Help us by sharing your story of how you are experiencing the outbreak of the coronavirus so that others can feel assured and learn from your inspirational experiences of how you have withstood this pandemic. 


Your story can truly make a difference!