Behavioral activation
"I can't be bothered"
"I'm not in the mood"
"I don't have the energy"
Words that are familiar when we're not in the right mood to do activities that usually give us a kind of pleasure and benefit. It is very important to know that some situations require a happy mood to do, and activities have the potential to improve our mood even if we do not feel the desire and motivation to exercise it.
No, it's alright. I'm not in the mood and I don't feel like playing
Come play football with us
(Nasser put on the appropriate clothes and sports shoes, and he went out to exercise in his back yard, and he started to feel better.he started to feel better. This seemed to release high levels of serotonin because he felt a sense of accomplishment. He then changed his mind and decided to go play football.

Why don't you try putting on your running shoes and sports gear and it might help uplift your mood to play
Alright. I'll give it a try
A proven CBT technique which increases your connection to positive, enjoyable, and rewarding activities that match the life you want to lead. Although you may not feel the urge to do these activities because you really feel frustrated, sad, or anxious, “faking” (doing them anyway) can light up your thoughts, increase your mood, and prevent you from slipping further into the bad mood.
Behavioral activation
Five steps to behavioral activation
Choose specific, positive actions you can take every day to improve your mood.
Notice when you feel resistant to engaging in behavior you know will help you (for example, "I don't feel like walking," etc.).
Acknowledgment that resistance may be due to current stress or depression.
You decide to do so anyway (without stimulation or desire but faking it until you do it).
Notice how well you feel (how you have improved your thoughts or feelings).