I feel bored
These are tough times that may bring about fear, anxiety, sadness, laziness and most notably boredom due to our routine. Despite this, you should allow yourself to relax and have some fun, sometimes having a bit of fun is healthy!
Ways to eliminate boredom
& invest your time at home
Always remember that boredom is an issue only if we let it get to us, and we can always find different ways to tackle it. Here are a few suggestions that you can try to tackle boredom:
Create an activity schedule to get to know your routine.
Find out why you feel bored, If the reason is that you do the same things repeatedly, add some new things, or do them differently.
Add fun activities to your day.
List the things you've always wanted to accomplish but could not find the time to before.
Allow yourself to take a break if you feel you like need it.
Let go of expectations that you must be productive and feel guilty about laziness.
These are hard times and it's okay to allow yourself some healthy fun.
Ignite the curiosity inside you (curiosity of knowledge and discovery)
Use exercise to combat boredom
Use your time wisely
Activities to combat boredom
As we have previously mentioned, this is a difficult period that may give rise to many feelings, one of the most prominent being boredom. But you don't have to dwell in this boredom, we've compiled a list of activities that may help!

Learn the benefits of reading here
Home delivery services?
Audio books

Learn a new language online

Issam Al Balushi and his story ...
The secret to effective language learning and techniques
Or download an application .. like
Skills development platforms

Broadcast / Blogs

Gain a new skill
Games and things to do with children
Have fun with the kids
For Her
All female channels
Make it yourself

Watch & play
Games and movies

Fashion design

Family tree


Learn to design a resume in a professional way!

Relive past memories and watch your favorite plays or series
Become an artist..

Henna Designs
Mandalas Drawing
How to draw Mandalas
Drawing App Doodle
صناعة الفخار
How to Make Origami
Photography 101
Photography and videography
Learn Photography
For art supplies we've compiled some of the stores that provide supplies and home delivery